About Us
We believe baking is an art. We continuously focus on developing our technical expertise and capabilities to ensure a wide range of bakery applications and innovative solutions are provided to our customers.

About Us
We believe baking is an art. We continuously focus on developing our technical expertise and capabilities to ensure a wide range of bakery applications and innovative solutions are provided to our customers.

Baking Professionals

Baking Solutions
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Latest News
Donation of Hospital Essentials & Meals
AB Mauri took the initiative to donate hospital essentials and provide a hearty meal to the patients of the Gynecology Unit…
National Sales Meeting of AB Mauri
The annual National Sales Meeting was held with the participation of sales representatives across all the geographical areas who came…
Leading for Safety Training Programme
This training program was organized with the aim of enhancing employees’ knowledge of Occupational Health & Safety…
EmpowerHer Panel Discussion
AB Mauri Lanka is set to launch a trio of new products at the upcoming CAFE 2024 Culinary Art Food Expo on June 7-9 at BMICH…..